We Want You

It’s easy! Send a brief email with your idea and outline of the post to editor@expertsknowbest.com. But wait! Before you hit send on that pitch, please read the below information.

What we’re looking for

We are looking for experts to write on topics such as:

  • Business
  • Education & Learning
  • Entertainment
  • Finance
  • Health & Beauty
  • Home & Garden
  • Internet & Marketing
  • Products & Services
  • Software
  • Technology
  • Travel & Vacation


  • Write for people. Address their needs, fears, challenges, burning questions, pain points.
  • Have, and hone, a main message. Edit your intro so that the point of your post is ridiculously clear.
  • Be prescriptive. Don’t just tell readers to do something. Explain how.
  • Tell a story – like a journalist. Cover who, what, when, where, how, and why. Make it personal.
  • Make it concrete. Give examples, details, metrics. Tell and show. Make it real. Deliver aha moments for readers who may be scratching their heads.
  • Make it long enough to engage and enrich readers (and no longer).
  • Self-promotion. Avoid promoting your tool or company in your post. Your author bio is a good place to do that.
  • Give credit. Check your facts and quotations. Cite your sources.
  • Let your heart show. Where appropriate, share your feelings!


There are some things we simply can’t accept:

  • Anything that’s been covered on our site before. Please do a search of our site before submitting your articles.
  • Anything that may be construed as a link-building scheme.
  • Anything that’s too promotional for your company or organization.
  • Anything that’s offensive or inaccurate.
  • Plagiarism!



  1. Guest Blogging Inspires Creative Thinking. This inspires ideas for posts that you would like to write, and it makes you think more creatively about the blog topics you’re working on.
  2. To Give Back! It’s truly your pleasure to give back (or pay it forward) through guest blogging. You do it because I love it. There’s an indescribably rewarding feeling that comes when you guest blog for the right reasons!
  3. To Widen Your Net & Gain More Followers. You’ll make tons of new online friends & contacts. These are people you would’ve never had the opportunity to cyber-meet if you hadn’t started guest blogging.
  4. To Produce Ripple Effects. Yes, the backlinks are nice. Yes, the attention is nice. But when you look at it from a different perspective — something magical happens. Your creativity goes into overdrive, you become a master of time management & you become more relevant & trusted in your niche — which brings to next reason.
  5. To Stay Up-to-Date on Topics in Your Niche. When you guest write for blogs in your niche, it forces you to keep up with the fast pace of current events. Sure, writing blog posts on your own website will do this also, but there’s something about guest blogging that forces you to take an extra step with your research. You want to be sure your facts are spot on, and you’ll make an extra effort to get things just right.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I pitch you an idea first before writing the post?

Definitely. We’d love to hear your idea before you get writing to make sure it’s a good fit for ExpertsKnowBest.com.

Should I include links to other websites or blog posts in my post?

Absolutely…in fact, we require it! All posts should contain at least 2-3 links. We love when you link to other posts written for the ExpertsKnowBest.com, but you are welcome to include outside links or a relevant link to a post from your own website.

Do you edit submitted posts?

Yes, we reserve the right to edit all posts submitted for consideration to the ExpertsKnowBest.com. If your post requires major changes, we will loop you in and work together on edits. If your post needs minor edits, we may make the changes without notifying you.

This doesn’t happen frequently, but we also reserve the right to not publish your post if we decide it’s not a strong fit for the ExpertsKnowBest.com. You are then free to publish it elsewhere.

After the post appears on ExpertsKnowBest.com, can I republish it on my own blog?

The post must remain exclusive to ExpertsKnowBest.com for 30 days. After that, you are free to republish your post, but make sure to note that the post originally appeared on ExpertsKnowBest.com.