How Does The 5:2 Diet Works
Made popular by the BBC documentary “Eat, Fast and Live Longer,” the 5:2 Diet is a weight loss plan that was designed to make dieting an easier process for first-timers. The key to the diet is allowing people to eat normally for the majority of the week, and then greatly reduce their caloric intake for the rest.
The 5:2 Diet allows dieters to consume the recommended amount of calories (2,000 for women, 2,500 for men) for five days a week, but they are then limited to just 25 percent for the other two. The diet does come with a list of healthy foods to eat on those two fasting days, but that list is pretty limited.
Do Dieters Lose Weight on the 5:2 Diet?
There is a very good chance that people will be able to lose weight on the 5:2 Diet, but it is more of a short term fix. The reason for this is because the diet simply isn’t healthy enough to be a long-term weight loss solution. On top of that, the majority of people who attempt to take on the 5:2 Diet won’t be able to make it more than two weeks because they will end up giving up.
Level of Effort
Even though the 5:2 Diet was created to make dieting easier on people, the truth is that most dieters will actually find this weight loss plan tougher than most of the other diets out there. The reason for this is because consuming 600 or fewer calories even two days a week is extremely hard to do. Even by following the recommended 5:2 Diet menu for those fasting days will leave most dieters feeling very hungry for the majority of the day.
The 5:2 Diet also lacks any type of workout plan, which will make losing weight even tougher. Most people who are dieting for the first time will not know what exercise plan to implement, which means that they will have to do a lot of research to find one that works with the 5:2 Diet.
There are a few good dieting ideas that come with the 5:2 Diet, but the overall product is just too unsafe and difficult. It is hard to understand why this diet is recommended for people who are dieting for the first time considering that fasting is known as one of the most difficult ways to lose weight.
The 5:2 Diet is very similar to many of the diets that came out in the 1980’s, but these days there are so many healthier, more effective weight loss plans to choose from. Maybe one in 10 people will find some success with the 5:2 Diet, but chances are those same people would have had similar success with other diet plans.
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